Title: Interlude XII
Date: 2018-01-01
Category: fiction
-Tags: cathartic, interlude
+Tags: cathartic, interlude, Star Trek
Status: draft
"I can understand why you might think that there are five lights—indeed, that would make a lot of things easier—but actually, [there are only four lights](http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Chain_of_Command,_Part_II_(episode)). Yes, it's a little bit counterintuitive, and I know I got a little bit frustrated and said some things I now regret when I was trying to explain this earlier, such that some people might justifiably suspect that I am irrationally emotionally-attached to the four-lights hypothesis and guilty of motivated reasoning, and I totally agree that you should definitely take that possibility into account insofar as you are unable to count the lights yourself and are deciding how much you should update based on my report.
+Yes, my Friendship Problems are proof of my female MIGI: "The overall rates of friendship conflict did not differ between men and women, but women were more likely to clash with close friends, to express feelings of anguish over the breakup, and to be more demanding of evidence of remorse before reconciling." — https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/16/science/friendship-discrimination.html
+women Cooperate less in Prisoner's Dilemma?! https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0001691817305917
+degrees of FBOE and GNC https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-017-0980-y
+T. accurately psychoanalyzes me: "she doesn't want men and women to be different, and spends a lot of time minimizing these differences, except when she's trying to be more ego-syntonic about the decision to live as male
+in which case she writes giant blog posts on how real and massive it is"