people only respond to coalitions, imagining people running around in defensive coalitions
not trusting Google directions
+truth and anti-truth
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Are trans women women? It depends on your decision criteria for applying the word _woman_ to something. (I say _decision criteria_ rather than _definition_ because [...])
what counts as "similar" vs. "different" isn't scientifically interesting: the data speaks for itself; how you want to summarize the data to stupid humans who can't hold multivariate probability distributions in their head is a matter of politics
-[make sure to explain how this is different from "Categories Were Made" sophistry]
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+[make sure to explain how this is different from "Categories Were Made" sophistry]
> —[Greg Cochran](
-We socially-liberal individualist/feminist people—I _hope_ I'm still allowed to use the first person here, although the reader will ultimately judge that for herself—have this beautiful moral ideal, where we want all human beings to be free to maximize their potential, unencumbered by oppressive cultural traditions specifying roles and destinies in advance. We want everyone to be judged on her or his _own_ merits rather than treated as a representative of their race or sex.
+We socially-liberal individualist/feminist people—I _hope_ I'm still allowed to use the first person here, although the reader will ultimately judge that for herself—have this beautiful moral ideal, where we want all humans to be free to maximize their potential, unencumbered by oppressive cultural traditions specifying roles and destinies in advance. We want everyone to be judged on her or his _own_ merits rather than treated as a representative of their race or sex.
And _because_ we care about the beautiful moral ideal, we tend to assume that psychological group differences don't exist or are superficial or are socially-constructed,
the heartbreaking misogyny of my native subculture (not that I'm any different):
+Christian AGP repressor:
Blame Me for Trying
"Love Like You"
Friendship Practices of the Secret-Sharing Plain Speech Valley Squirrels
+story of Gina and Vern selected for GNC
self-promotion: Reddit, Crossdreamers, Third Way Trans
Git server!
sheet music width
+replace absolute links with relative