So, I'm facing a problem.
-On the one hand, I really want to indulge my perverted narcissistic fantasy about being a woman, and I'm _really really jealous_ of all of the trans women friends (I still have friends!—[for now]( I've made since I moved to "Portland" (quotes because it might not actually be Portland, although you should know that I would still use quotes even if it is Portland, because I'm not some kind of idiot who doesn't know information theory).
+On the one hand, I really want to indulge my perverted narcissistic fantasy about being a woman, and I'm _really really jealous_ of all of the trans women friends (I still have friends!—[for now]( I've made since I moved to "Portland" (quotes because it might not actually be Portland, although you should know that I would still use quotes even if it is Portland, because I'm [not some kind of idiot who doesn't know information theory](
On the other hand, I don't want to become a trans woman myself, because I already have a perfectly functional social identity as a man named "'Mark'" (two sets of quotes: one for words-as-words, and another because it might not actually be "Mark", although you should know that _&c._) that I'm not going to throw away for the sake of my perverted narcissistic fantasy, particularly since the standard transition narrative looks so actively delusional to me that I can't possibly participate in it.