✓ lead-in to Sept. 2021 Twitter altercation
✓ out of patience email
✓ Michael Vassar and the Theory of Optimal Gossip
+_ complicity and friendship
_ plan to reach out to Rick / Michael on creepy men/crazy men
_ State of Steven
_ reaction to Ziz
-_ complicity and friendship
_ repair pt. 5 dath ilan transition
- Eliezerfic fight conclusion
dath ilan ancillary tier—
_ Who are the 9 most important legislators called?
+_ collect Earth people sneers
things to discuss with Michael/Ben/Jessica—
Was he subtweeting me?? (Because I was defending criticism against tone policing, and this is saying tone is a valid cue.) If it was a subtweet, I take that as vindication that my reply was a good use of bandwidth.
+In particular, I think the conspiracy theory "Yudkowsky sometimes avoids nuanced arguments that he doesn't trust people to understand" is true, because ... you've said so (e.g., "without getting into any weirdness that I don't expect Earthlings to think about validly"). https://www.greaterwrong.com/posts/2NncxDQ3KBDCxiJiP/cosmopolitan-values-don-t-come-free/comment/dMHdWcxgSpcdyG4hb
+(He responded to me in this interaction, which is interesting.)
+> Zack, you missed this point presumably because you're losing your grasp of basic theory in favor of conspiracy theory.