> By extension, lesbians are not women.
-I do want to note that my post does (briefly) anticipate the "by that argument, lesbians aren't women" _ad absurdum_ objection. (See the few paragraphs [starting with](TODO: hash-fragment linky), "To this it might be objected that there are many different types of women".)
+I do want to note that my post does (briefly) anticipate the "by that argument, lesbians aren't women" _ad absurdum_ objection. (See the few paragraphs [starting with](/2018/Feb/the-categories-were-made-for-man-to-make-predictions/#anchor-different-types-of-women-objection), "To this it might be objected that there are many different types of women [...]".)
_ Scattered Personal Reflections
_ The View From Nowhere
_ I Mean, Yes, I Agree That Man Should Allocate Some More Categories, But
-_ "But I'm Not Quite Sure What That Means": Costs and Benefits of Nonbinary Gender as a Social Technology
+_ "But I'm Not Quite Sure What That Means": Costs of Nonbinary Gender as a Social Technology
_ reply to Ozy on https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2017/08/03/rapid-onset-gender-dysphoria-is-bad-science/ (when marketing in Culture War thread, maybe hat tip https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/9cir3w/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_september_03/e5c1h2c/ )
_ Friendship Practices of ...
_ Q An Infovist's Advisory; Or, Standing Athwart History ...
+_ Korrasami and the Moral Fine-Tuning Objection
_ ask S. if I can repost her information-theoretic account of passing??