> I like how you disclaimed the need for trigger/content warnings in discussions of anything regarding sex/gender/the intersection, then put a 'tw school' on your latest post -- it's not _wrong_, per se, but it's _fascinating_
+/u/ralf_ (—
+> I am still sometimes baffled by you folks. You are clearly clever, can write essays about arcane topics and put a lot of thought and energy in a consistent world view, cite academic sources pro and contra to it, and take on a whim for half a year sex hormones, even though it can make you sterile and messes with your body, just to see how it makes you feel. (Fricking Hormones!)
+> And then in the middle I read a sentence which brings me right back to Earth after being among aliens:
+> (I am still a virgin, due to—performance difficulties on my part.)
+> Excelling on a higher order, even daring to defy everything sacred and even nature itself, and then totally sucking at a basic human experience.... That may seem harsh, it is not meant that way, but ... dude. Dude! How can one undertake complicated research project to fullfill vain ideas about autogynophilia, instead of working a plan out to get laid?
Vee String review: still ... noticeably not part of my body.
(That was the same thing I thought about breastforms. Considering how that escalted, maybe it would be better for my health and bodily integrity to not pursue this line of thinking ...)
+tail: secretly, all AGP trans women are clockable because you can just look at the hobbies
+He has a wife and kids to support (if this is 1998) or her FFS bill to pay off (if this is (2018)
+etymology fun fact: "male" comes from the Latin malus, meaning "bad"
+on a Facebook thread about female-dominated gym classes, a female acquaintance writes, "My class focuses on weightlifting and it's still all women (including one trans, oddly enough)." (You wouldn't say "oddly enough" if you actually believed that trans women are women!)
There's a Land That I See; Or, the Spirit of Intervention
-A Leaf in the Crosswind (
Don't Negotiate With Terrorist Memeplexes; Or, ...
Interlude X (likelihood ratios)
The View From Nowhere
Interlude XI (four lights)
Product Review: Glamour Boutique's Vee-String Bladder
Laser I
+Threnody for the Transhumanism of My Youth
+on the poor literary quality of TG captions
An Epistolary Story About Preference Falsification