-Title: "But I'm Not Quite Sure What That Means": Costs and Benefits of Nonbinary Gender as a Social Technology
+Title: "But I'm Not Quite Sure What That Means": Costs of Nonbinary Gender as a Social Technology
Date: 2020-01-01
Category: commentary
Tags: epistemology, nonbinary, social technology
Status: draft
-> [TODO: how does the line go?] _and I'm waiting
+> _Eight o'clock, Monday night, and I'm waiting
> To finally talk to a girl a little cooler than me
> Her name is Nona; she's a rocker with a nose ring
> She's AFAB enby but I'm not quite sure what that means_
_(Attention conservation notice: rambling Diary-like post that I felt like writing anyway for psychological reasons; likely not worth your time.)_
+<em>(Also, it turns out that I got my Blerp-d9aa89fd commit bit a few weeks later, which makes me think I shouldn't publish this one—even when everything is pseudonymified, it would feel like a betrayal to publish something that could be read as a petty snipe-attack on my/the group. As a writing exercise, it may still be worth continuing to draft it, so that I can so that I can go back and extract any insights into some yet-untitled future post on women-and-trans-and-SJW-in-tech phenomena that <strong>isn't</strong> written in the boring/petty Diary anecdote genre.)</em>
+<em>(I could imagine someone arguing that the fact that I make the Git repository public means that committing the draft <strong>is</strong> publishing, but I think the distinction between "posts on the blog itself, displayed proudly for all to see" and "slush text that my one or two most devoted readers might find if they notice the tiny 'Site source' link in the footer and bother rummaging through the drafts/ folder" is pretty significant. Any hypothetical adversary who wants to mine the blog for the biggest socially-unjust gaffe in a targeted attempt to destroy my real-life reputation is just going to have a field day with March 2017's ["Smart"](/2017/Mar/smart/).)</em>
I took half a week of vacation from my dayjob recently to crash with a friend in another city and attend the conference associated with an open-source technology I've been pretty involved with lately! It was really fun and inspiring, getting to hear all the talks and putting faces to usernames! I thought I might write a blog post about the experience and all the exciting technical things I learned!
This is not that post. By cowardice and convention, this is someone else's story on someone else's blog, about "Taylor Saotome-Westlake" visiting his friend "Jerrica" in "San Francisco" to attend the conference about this software called "[Blerp](https://xkcd.com/1692/)-d9aa89fd".
"Politics of Process Defense" http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=8120
+Damore lawsuit also quotes an instance of "40-something white men" (p. 43)
_ "But I'm Not Quite Sure What That Means": Costs and Benefits of Nonbinary Gender as a Social Technology
_ reply to Ozy on https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2017/08/03/rapid-onset-gender-dysphoria-is-bad-science/ (when marketing in Culture War thread, maybe hat tip https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/9cir3w/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_september_03/e5c1h2c/ )
_ Friendship Practices of ...
+_ Q An Infovist's Advisory; Or, Standing Athwart History ...
_ ask S. if I can repost her information-theoretic account of passing??
Q The Gender Czar's Compromise
"Love Like You"
-Q An Infovist's Advisory; Or, Standing Athwart History ...
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