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+Title: Interlude VI
+Date: 2017-07-12 19:45
+Category: fiction
+Tags: interlude
+Laura is cuddling on the couch with her boyfriend Doyle at the latter's apartment, trading silly banter.
+"Some of them might secretly be cats!" Doyle says.
+"_I_ might secretly be a cat," Laura says.
+"Why would you say this? What about you is particularly cat-like?"
+"Well, it's more of an affinity for cats. But I do enjoy head scritches."
+Doyle's roommate—Laura doesn't remember his name—peeks his head out from his room (had he been eavesdropping this _entire time_?). "You know," he says, "it's actually _surprisingly common_ for people to confuse an affinity for a thing with actually being that thing."