From: M. Taylor Saotome-Westlake Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2020 17:08:13 +0000 (-0700) Subject: some sketching out TODO skeleton for "Sexual Dimorphism" X-Git-Url:;ds=inline;h=522a6d75b868199398945d03a4f000ff4456adc7;hp=c8b1d2c469cb3fd4f74245b23dee0fc80cf6218b;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git some sketching out TODO skeleton for "Sexual Dimorphism" I need to do my dayjob, but it would really be nice to make a push to finish this post soon! --- diff --git a/content/drafts/ b/content/drafts/ index 1406c8b..2f62eaa 100644 --- a/content/drafts/ +++ b/content/drafts/ @@ -67,15 +67,15 @@ True, the [blank slate doctrine](/2020/Apr/book-review-human-diversity/#blank-sl I remember being in the Crown College library at the University in Santa Cruz in 2007, reading Robert Wright's _The Moral Animal_ (because it had been on [Yudkowsky's old book list](, and being _aghast_ at how openly, brazenly _sexist_ it was. -(That is, with respect to what I considered _sexist_ at the time. I wish there was some way to know what my teenage self would think of my current self's writing, which is at least as "bad" as Wright and plausibly worse. Maybe if the whole benevolent-superintelligence thing my robot cult always talks about ever works out, I'll be able to kick off a limited-scope [ancestor-simulation]( to find out. In the meantime, if you're offended, I'd love it if you could let me know in the comments exactly how much and why! [Personal identity doesn't actually exist](; humans growing up in the same cultural tradition can be seen as being drawn from the same _distribution_ as my teenage self.) +(That is, with respect to what I considered _sexist_ at the time. I wish there was some way to know what my teenage self would think of my current self's writing, which is at least as "bad" as Wright and plausibly worse. Maybe if the whole benevolent-superintelligence thing my robot cult always talks about ever works out, I'll be able to kick off a limited-scope [ancestor-simulation]( to find out. In the meantime, if you're offended, I'd love it if you could let me know in the comments exactly how much and why! [Personal identity doesn't actually exist](; humans growing up in the same cultural tradition can be seen as being drawn from a similar _distribution_ as my teenage self.) -That overwhelming feeling of cold horror and hatred at _the enemy revealed_—that, I conjecture, is what religious people feel when encountering a heretical text for the first time. (In _principle_, a sufficiently advanced neuroscience would be able to confirm that it is the same emotion, as a matter of physiological fact.) The social–psychological significance of the belief is why the "religion" characterization makes sense, even if the claim that psychological sex differences are fake isn't a [_supernatural_]( one. +That overwhelming feeling of cold horror and hatred at _the enemy revealed_—that, I conjecture, is what religious people feel when encountering a heretical text for the first time. (In _principle_, a sufficiently advanced neuroscience would be able to confirm that it is the same emotion, as a matter of biological fact.) The social–psychological significance of the belief is why the "religion" characterization makes sense, even if the claim that psychological sex differences are fake isn't a [_supernatural_]( one. But quasi-religious fervor aside, there was presumably a _reason_ I cared so much about being a good pro-feminist _specifically_, and hardly spent any time at all thinking about other dimensions of social justice, like race or class. And I think the reason is because, because ... Well. The reason I'm blogging this story at all is because I'm scared that in order to finish that sentence in the current year and be understood, I'd have to say, "because I was trans." And with respect to what the words mean in the current year, it's true. But that's not how I think of it, then or now. -It's because I was _straight_. Because I loved women, and wanted to do right by them—and, as part of this, wanted more than anything to _identify_ with them in some abstract sense that can only exist from the outside looking in. +It's because I was _straight_. Because I loved women, and wanted to do right by them—and wanted to _identify_ with them in some abstract sense that can only exist from the outside looking in. Anyway, that's some background about where I was at, personally and ideologically, _before_ I fell in with this robot cult. @@ -85,32 +85,32 @@ For example, as part of [an early explanation of why the values we would want to From the perspective of axiomatic antisexism that I held at the time, this assertion is cringe-inducing. Of course most people are straight, but is it not all the _same love_? -I wasn't ready to hear it then, but—I mean, probably not? So, for the _most_ part, all humans are extremely similar: [as Yudkowsky would soon write about]( [(following Leda Cosmides and John Tooby)](, complex functional adaptations have to be species-universal in order to not get scrambled during meiosis. As a toy example, if some organelle gets assembled from ten genes, those ten alleles _all_ have to be nearly universal in the population—if each only has a frequency of 0.9, then the probability of getting them all right would only be 0.910 ≈ 0.349. If allele H [epistatically]( only confers a fitness advantage when allele G at some other locus is already present, then G has to already be on its way to fixation in order for there to be appreciable selective pressure for H. Evolution, feeding on variation, uses it up. Complicated functionality that requires multiple genes working in concert can only accrete gradually as each individual piece reaches fixation in the entire population, resulting in an intricate species-universal _design_: just about everyone has 206 bones, a liver, a parietal cortex, _&c_. +I wasn't ready to hear it then, but—I mean, probably not? So, for the _most_ part, all humans are extremely similar: [as Yudkowsky would soon write about]( [(following Leda Cosmides and John Tooby)](, complex functional adaptations have to be species-universal in order to not get scrambled during meiosis. As a toy example, if some organelle gets assembled from ten genes, those ten alleles _all_ have to be nearly universal in the population—if each only has a frequency of 0.9, then the probability of getting them all right would only be 0.910 ≈ 0.349. If allele H [epistatically]( only confers a fitness advantage when allele G at some other locus is already present, then G has to already be well on its way to fixation in order for there to be appreciable selective pressure for H. Evolution, feeding on variation, uses it up. Complicated functionality that requires multiple genes working in concert can only accrete gradually as each individual piece reaches fixation in the entire population, resulting in an intricate species-universal _design_: just about everyone has 206 bones, a liver, a parietal cortex, _&c_. -In this way (contrary to the uninformed suspicions of those still faithful to the blank slate), evolutionary psychology actually turns out to be impressively antiracist discipline: individual humans and ancestry-groups of humans can differ in small ways like personality or skin color, but these are, and _have_ to be, "shallow" low-complexity variations on the same basic human design; new complex functionality would require speciation. +In this way (contrary to the uninformed suspicions of those still faithful to the blank slate), evolutionary psychology actually turns out to be impressively antiracist discipline: maybe individual humans and ancestry-groups of humans can differ in small ways like personality or skin color, but these are, and _have_ to be, "shallow" low-complexity variations on the same basic human design; new _complex_ functionality would require speciation. This luck does not extend to antisexism. If the genome were a computer program, it would have `if female { /* ... */ } else if male { /* ... */ }` conditional blocks, and inside those blocks, you can have complex sex-specific functionality. By default, selection pressures on one sex tend to drag the other along for the ride—men have nipples because there's no particular reason for them not to—but in those cases where it was advantageous in the environment of evolutionary adaptedness for females and males to do things _differently_, sexual dimorphism can evolve (slowly—[more than one and half orders of magnitude slower than monomorphic adaptations](/papers/rogers-mukherjee-quantitative_genetics_of_sexual_dimorphism.pdf), in fact). -Robert Trivers wrote, "One can, in effect, treat the sexes as if they were different species, the opposite sex being a resource relevant to producing maximum surviving offspring" (!!). +Robert Trivers wrote, "One can, in effect, treat the sexes as if they were different species, the opposite sex being a resource relevant to producing maximum surviving offspring" (!!). There actually isn't one species-universal design—it's _two_ designs. _Similar_ designs, sure—but there's no particular reason for + +[TODO: the brain is not exempt, not just quantitative variation where the bell curves overlap, but complex machinery with a specific function] If you're willing to admit to the possibility of psychological sex differences _at all_, you have to admit that sex differences in the parts of the mind that are _specifically about mating_ are going to be a prime candidate. Even if there's a lot of "shared code" in how love-and-attachment works in general, there are also going to be specific differences that were [optimized for]( facilitating males impregnating females. In that sense, the claim that "the love of a man for a woman, and the love of a woman for a man, have not been cognitively derived from each other" just seems commonsensically _true_. -I guess if you _didn't_ grow up with a quasi-religious fervor for psychological sex differences denialism, this line of argument doesn't seem world-shatteringly impactful?—maybe it just looks like supplementary Science Details brushed over some basic facts of human existence that everyone knows. But if you _have_ built your identity around quasi-religious _denial_ of certain basic facts of human existence that everyone knows (if not everyone [knows that they know](, getting forced out of it by sufficient weight of Science Details [can be a pretty rough experience]( +[TODO: and it doesn't have to just be mating; different reproductive strategies have different life-history implications] +I guess if you _didn't_ grow up with a quasi-religious fervor for psychological sex differences denialism, this theoretical line of argument about evolutionary psychology doesn't seem world-shatteringly impactful?—maybe it just looks like supplementary Science Details brushed over some basic facts of human existence that everyone knows. But if you _have_ built your identity around quasi-religious _denial_ of certain basic facts of human existence that everyone knows (if not everyone [knows that they know](, getting forced out of it by sufficient weight of Science Details [can be a pretty rough experience]( -[...] +[TODO: this denial was in the background in "The Opposite Sex" and the metaethics sequence, men should think of themselves as men] + +[TODO: sex differences came up a few more times in the Fun Theory sequence] The short story ["Failed Utopia #4-2"]( portrays an almost-aligned superintelligence constructing a happiness-maximizing utopia for humans—except that because [evolution didn't design women and men to be optimal partners for each other](, and the AI is prohibited from editing people's minds, the happiness-maximizing solution ends up splitting up the human species by sex and giving women and men their own _separate_ utopias, complete with artificially-synthesized romantic partners. -At the time, [I expressed horror]( at the idea in the comments section, because my quasi-religious psychological-sex-differences denialism required that I be horrified. But looking back eleven years later (my deconversion from my teenage religion being pretty thorough at this point, I think), the _argument makes sense_ (though you need an additional [handwave]( to explain why the AI doesn't give every _individual_ their separate utopia—if existing women and men aren't optimal partners for each other, so too are individual men not optimal same-sex friends for each other). +At the time, [I expressed horror]( at the idea in the comments section, because my quasi-religious psychological-sex-differences denialism required that I be horrified. But looking back eleven years later, the _argument makes sense_ (though you need an additional [handwave]( to explain why the AI doesn't give every _individual_ their separate utopia—if existing women and men aren't optimal partners for each other, so too are individual men not optimal same-sex friends for each other). On my reading of the text, it is _significant_ that the AI-synthesized complements for men are given their own name, the _verthandi_ (presumably after [the Norse deity](, rather than just being referred to as women. The _verthandi_ may _look like_ women, they may be _approximately_ psychologically human, but the _detailed_ psychology of "superintelligently-engineered optimal romantic partner for a human male" is not going to come out of the distribution of actual human females, and judicious exercise of the [tenth virtue of precision]( demands that a _different word_ be coined for this hypothetical science-fictional type of person. Calling the _verthandi_ "women" would be _worse writing_; it would _fail to communicate_ the impact of what has taken place in the story. - - - - - Another post in this vein that had a huge impact on me was ["Changing Emotions"]( As an illustration of how [the hope for radical human enhancement is fraught with]( technical difficulties, the Great Teacher sketches a picture of just how difficult an actual male-to-female sex change would be. It would be hard to overstate how much of an impact this post had on me. I've previously linked it on this blog eight times. In June 2008, half a year before it was published, I encountered the [2004 mailing list post]( that was its predecessor. (The fact that I was trawling through old mailing list archives searching for Yudkowsky content that I hadn't already read, tells you something about what a fanboy I am.) I immediately wrote to a friend: "[...] I cannot adequately talk about my feelings. Am I shocked, liberated, relieved, scared, angry, amused?" @@ -132,4 +132,4 @@ In the comments, [I wrote]( (To which I now realize the correct answer is: Yes, it's fucking cheating! The map is not the territory! You can't change the current _referent_ of "personal identity" with the semantic mind game of declaring that "personal identity" now refers to something else! How dumb do you think we are?! But more on this later.) -people like me being incentivized to identify as part of a political pressure group that attempts to leverage claims of victimhood into claims on power \ No newline at end of file +people like me being incentivized to identify as part of a political pressure group that attempts to leverage claims of victimhood into claims on power