From b3da6acf54f739933c373aa9c9058e84443cfdc3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "M. Taylor Saotome-Westlake" Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2023 21:29:30 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 1/1] check in --- | 10 ++--- content/drafts/ | 4 +- notes/ | 41 ++++++++++--------- notes/memoir_wordcounts.csv | 30 ++------------ notes/ | 2 +- 5 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-) diff --git a/content/drafts/ b/content/drafts/ index 644f7c6..15651c8 100644 --- a/content/drafts/ +++ b/content/drafts/ @@ -247,11 +247,11 @@ Someone else I talked to was less philosophical. "I'm an AGP trans girl who real As the tension continued to mount through mid-2016 between what I was seeing and hearing, and the socially-acceptable public narrative, [my]( [frustration]( [started]( [to]( [subtly]( [or]( [not-so-much]( [leak]( [out]( [into]( [my]( [blog](, but I wanted to write more directly about what I thought was going on. -At first I was imagining a post on [my existing blog](, but a couple of my very smart and cowardly friends recommended a pseudonym, which I reluctantly agreed was probably a good idea. So I made up "M. Taylor Saotome-Westlake" as a pen name and [started this blog](/2016/Sep/apophenia/) (with [loving attention to technology choices, rather than just using WordPress](/2020/Apr/dont-read-the-comments/)). I'm not entirely without misgivings about the exact naming choices I made, although I don't actively regret it the way I regret [my attempted nickname switch in the late 'aughts](/2021/May/sexual-dimorphism-in-the-sequences-in-relation-to-my-gender-problems/#literary-initials).[^naming-choices] +At first I was imagining a post on [my existing blog](, but a couple of my very smart and cowardly friends recommended a pseudonym, which I reluctantly agreed was probably a good idea. So I made up "M. Taylor Saotome-Westlake" as a pen name and [started this blog](/2016/Sep/apophenia/) (with [loving attention to technology choices, rather than just using WordPress](/2020/Apr/dont-read-the-comments/)). I'm not entirely without misgivings about the exact naming choices I made, although I don't actively regret it the way I regret [my attempted nickname switch in the late 'aughts](/2021/May/sexual-dimorphism-in-the-sequences-in-relation-to-my-gender-problems/#literary-initials).[^naming-choices] [^naming-choices]: For the pen name: a hyphenated last name (a feminist tradition), abbreviated-first-initial + gender-neutral middle name (as if suggesting a male ineffectually trying to avoid having an identifiably male byline), "Saotome" from [a thematically-relevant Japanese graphic novel series](, "West" (+ an extra syllable) after a character in a serial novel whose catchphrase is ["Somebody has to and no one else will"]( For the blog name: I had already imagined that if I ever did stoop to the depravity of starting one of my own one of those [transformation/bodyswap captioned-photo erotica blogs](/2016/Oct/exactly-what-it-says-on-the-tin/), I would call it _The Titillating But Ultimately Untrue Thought_, and in fact had already claimed _ultimatelyuntruethought@gmail.com_ in 2014, to participate in [a captioning contest](, but since this was to be a serious autogynephilia _science_ blog, rather than tawdry _object-level_ autogynephilia blogging, I picked "Scintillating" as a more wholesome adjective. In retrospect, it may have been a mistake to choose a URL different from the blog's title—people seem to remember the URL more than the title, and as far as the URL goes, to be led by the dot before the TLD to interpret "space" as a separate word, rather than my intent of "genderspace" being analogous to "configuration space"—but it doesn't bother me that much. -... the pseudonymity quickly became a joke—or rather, a mere differential-visibility market-segmentation pen name, like how everyone knows that Robert Galbraith is actually J. K. Rowling, and not an Actually Secret pen name. It turned out that my need for openness and a unified social identity was far stronger than my grasp of what my very smart and cowardly friends think is prudence, such that I ended up frequently linking to and claiming ownership of the blog from my real name, _and_ otherwise [leaking](/2019/Apr/link-where-to-draw-the-boundaries/) [entropy](/2021/Jan/link-unnatural-categories-are-optimized-for-deception/) [through](/2021/Sep/link-blood-is-thicker-than-water/) a sieve on this side. +... the pseudonymity quickly became a joke—or rather, a mere differential-visibility market-segmentation pen name and not an Actually Secret pen name, like how everyone knows that Robert Galbraith is actually J. K. Rowling. It turned out that my need for openness and a unified social identity was far stronger than my grasp of what my very smart and cowardly friends think is prudence, such that I ended up frequently linking to and claiming ownership of the blog from my real name, _and_ otherwise [leaking](/2019/Apr/link-where-to-draw-the-boundaries/) [entropy](/2021/Jan/link-unnatural-categories-are-optimized-for-deception/) [through](/2021/Sep/link-blood-is-thicker-than-water/) a sieve on this side. I kept the Saotome-Westlake byline because, given the world of the current year (such that this blog was even _necessary_), I figured it was _probably_ a smarter play (re: future employment searches) if the _first_ page of my real-name Google search results wasn't my gender [and worse](/2020/Apr/book-review-human-diversity/) heterodoxy blog. Plus, after having made the mistake (?) of listening to my very smart and cowardly friends at the start, I'd face a backwards-compatibility problem if I wanted to unwind the pseudonym: there were _already_ a lot of references to this blog being written by Saotome-Westlake, and I didn't want to throw away or rewrite that history. (The backwards-compatibility problem is also one of several reasons I'm not transitioning.) @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ I got the sense that the shrinks didn't quite know what to make of me. In the pr I was happy to sit through the sessions as standard procedure rather than [going DIY](, but I was pretty preoccupied with the thing about how [_everyone had been lying to me about the most important thing in my life for fourteen years_](/2017/Jan/im-sick-of-being-lied-to/) and the professionals were _in on it_, and spent a lot of the sessions ranting about that. I gave the psychologist and one of the LCSWs a copy of _Men Trapped in Men's Bodies: Narratives of Autogynephilic Transsexualism_. (The psychologist said she wasn't allowed to accept gifts with a monetary value of over $25, so I didn't tell her that it actually cost $40.) -Actually, it's worse than if they were in on it; [in some ways, it would be _better_](/2016/new-clothes/) if the professionals secretly agreed with me about the typology and were cynically lying in order to rake in that sweet pharma cash. But they're not—lying. They just, have this whole paradigm of providing ["equitable" and "compassionate" "gender-affirming care"]( which is transparently garbage-tier epistemology ([for a belief that needs to be affirmed is not a belief at all](/2020/peering-through-reverent-fingers/)), but is so pervasive within its adherents' milieu, that they don't even know how to interpret observations someone not buying it even when you state your objections very clearly. Before one of my appointments with the LCSW, I wrote to the psychologist expressing frustration about the culture of lying, while noting that I needed to chill out and get to a point of emotional stability. (It's important to have all of one's ducks in a row before doing biochemistry experiments on the ducks.) She wrote back: +Actually, it's worse than if they were in on it; [in some ways, it would be _better_](/2016/new-clothes/) if the professionals secretly agreed with me about the typology and were cynically lying in order to rake in that sweet pharma cash. But they're not—lying. They just, have this whole paradigm of providing ["equitable" and "compassionate" "gender-affirming care"]( which is transparently garbage-tier epistemology ([for a belief that needs to be affirmed is not a belief at all](/2020/peering-through-reverent-fingers/)), but is so pervasive within its adherents' milieu, that they don't even know how to interpret observations of someone not buying it even when you state your objections very clearly. Before one of my appointments with the LCSW, I wrote to the psychologist expressing frustration about the culture of lying, while noting that I needed to chill out and get to a point of emotional stability. (It's important to have all of one's ducks in a row before doing biochemistry experiments on the ducks.) She wrote back: > I agree with you entirely, both about your frustration with people wanting to dictate to you what you are and how you feel, and with the importance of your being emotionally stable prior to starting hormones. Please explain to those who argue with you that it is only YOUR truth that matter when it comes to you, your body and what makes you feel whole. No one else has the right to dictate this. @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ While I was in this flurry of excitement about my recent updates and the insanit I wasn't, like, _friends_ with Yudkowsky, obviously; I didn't have a natural social affordance to _just_ ask him the way you would ask a dayjob or college acquaintance something. But ... he _had_ posted about how he was willing to accept money to do things he otherwise wouldn't in exchange for enough money to feel happy about he trade—a Happy Price, or [Cheerful Price, as the custom was later termed](—and his [schedule of happy prices]( listed $1,000 as the price for a 2 hour conversation, and I had his email address from previous contract work I had done for MIRI back in '12, so on 29 September 2016, I wrote him offering $1,000 to talk about what kind of _massive_ update he made on the topics of human psychological sex differences and MtF transsexuality sometime between [January 2009]( and [March of the current year](, mentioning that I had been "feeling baffled and disappointed (although I shouldn't be) that the rationality community is getting this _really easy_ scientific question wrong." -At this point, any _normal people_ who are (somehow?) reading this might be thinking, isn't that weird and kind of cultish?—some blogger you follow posted something you thought was strange earlier this year, and you want to pay him _one grand_ to talk about it? To the normal person I would explain thusly— +At this point, any _normal people_ who are (somehow?) reading this might be thinking, isn't that weird and kind of cultish? Some blogger you follow posted something you thought was strange earlier this year, and you want to pay him _one grand_ to talk about it? To the normal person I would explain thusly— First, in our subculture, we don't have your weird hangups about money: people's time is valuable, and paying people money in exchange for them using their time differently from how they otherwise would is a perfectly ordinary thing for microeconomic agents to do. Upper-middle–class normal people don't blink at paying a licensed therapist $100 to talk for an hour, because their culture designates that as a special ritualized context in which paying money to talk to someone isn't weird. In my culture, we don't need the special ritualized context; Yudkowsky just had a somewhat higher rate than most therapists. @@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ I met Jessica in March I decided to quit my dayjob. I had more than enough savings to take some months to learn some more math and work on this blog. (Recent experiences had made me more skeptical of earning-to-give as an altruistic intervention. If I didn't trust institutions to do what they claimed to do, there was less reason not to spend my San Francisco software engineering fortune on buying free time for myself.) -At standup meeting on my last day, I told my coworkers that I was taking a sabbatical from my software engineering career to become a leading intellectual figure of the alternative right. That was a joke (ironically using the label "alt-right" to point to my break with liberal orthodoxy), although after the [Charlottesville incident]( later that year, I would look back at that moment with a little bit of [shame]( at how the joke hits differently in retrospace. +At standup meeting on my last day, I told my coworkers that I was taking a sabbatical from my software engineering career to become a leading intellectual figure of the alternative right. That was a joke (ironically using the label "alt-right" to point to my break with liberal orthodoxy), although after the [Charlottesville incident]( later that year, I would look back at that moment with a little bit of [shame]( at how the joke hits differently in retrospect. /2017/Jun/memoirs-of-my-recent-madness-part-i-the-unanswerable-words/ diff --git a/content/drafts/ b/content/drafts/ index 9fa59a1..97734fa 100644 --- a/content/drafts/ +++ b/content/drafts/ @@ -540,13 +540,13 @@ In [the story about how Merrin came to the attention of dath ilan's bureau of Ex Notwithstanding that Rittaen can be Watsonianly assumed to have detailed neuroscience skills that the author Doylistically doesn't know how to write, I am entirely unimpressed by the assertion that this idea is somehow _dangerous_, a secret that only Keepers can bear, rather than something _Merrin herself should be clued into_. "It's not [Rittaen's] place to meddle just because he knows Merrin better than Merrin does," we're told. -In the same story, an agent from Exception Handling [tells Merrin that the bureau's Fake Conspiracy section is running an operation to plant evidence that Sparashki (the fictional alien Merrin happens to be dressed up as) are real](, and asks Merrin not to contradict this, and Merrin just ... goes along with it. (Elsewhere in the text, we're told that claiming to be a Sparashki isn't "lying", because no one would _expect_ someone to tell the truth in that situation.) It's in-character for Merrin to go along with it, because she's a pushover. My question is, why is it okay that Exception Handling has a Fake Conspiracies section, any more than if FTX or Enron explicitly had a Fake Accounting department? (Because dath ilan are the designated good guys? Well, so was FTX.) +In the same story, an agent from Exception Handling [tells Merrin that the bureau's Fake Conspiracy section is running an operation to plant evidence that Sparashki (the fictional alien Merrin happens to be dressed up as) are real](, and asks Merrin not to contradict this, and Merrin just ... goes along with it. (Elsewhere in the text, we're told that claiming to be a Sparashki isn't "lying", because no one would _expect_ someone to tell the truth in that situation.) It's in-character for Merrin to go along with it, because she's a pushover. My question is, why is it okay that Exception Handling has a Fake Conspiracies section, any more than it would have been if FTX or Enron explicitly had a Fake Accounting department? (Because dath ilan are the designated good guys? Well, so was FTX.) As another notable example of dath ilan hiding information for the alleged greater good, in Golarion, Keltham discovers that he's a sexual sadist, and deduces that Civilization has deliberately prevented him from realizing this, because there aren't enough corresponding masochists to go around in dath ilan. Having concepts for "sadism" and "masochism" as variations in human psychology would make sadists like Keltham sad about the desirable sexual experiences they'll never get to have, so Civilization arranges for them to _not be exposed to knowledge that would make them sad, because it would make them sad_ (!!). It did not escape my notice that when "rationalist" authorities _in real life_ considered public knowledge of some paraphilia to be an infohazard (ostensibly for the benefit of people with that paraphilia), I _didn't take it lying down_. -This parallel between dath ilan's masochism coverup and the autogynephilia coverup I had fought in real life, was something I was only intending to comment on in passing in the present memoir, rather than devoting any more detailed analysis to, but as I was having trouble focusing on my own writing in September 2022, I ended up posting some critical messages about dath ilan's censorship regime in the "Eliezerfic" Discord server for reader discussion of _Planecrash_, using the masochism coverup as my central example. +This parallel between dath ilan's sadism/masochism coverup and the autogynephilia coverup I had fought in real life, was something I was only intending to comment on in passing in the present memoir, rather than devoting any more detailed analysis to, but as I was having trouble focusing on my own writing in September 2022, I ended up posting some critical messages about dath ilan's censorship regime in the "Eliezerfic" Discord server for reader discussion of _Planecrash_, using the masochism coverup as my central example. What happens, I asked, to the occasional dath ilani free speech activists, with their eloquent manifestos arguing that Civilization would be better off coordinating on maps that reflect the territory, rather than coordinating to be a Keeper-managed zoo? (They _had_ to exist: in a medianworld centered on Yudkowsky, there are going to a few weirdos who are +2.5 standard deviations on "speak the truth, even if your voice trembles" and −2.5 standard deivations on love of clever plots; this seems less weird than negative utilitarians, who were [established to exist]( I _assumed_ they get dealt with in the end, but there had got to be an interesting story about someone who starts out whistleblowing small lies (which Exception Handling allows; they think it's cute, and it's "priced in" to the game they're playing), and then just keeps _escalating and escalating and escalating_ until Governance decides to unperson him. diff --git a/notes/ b/notes/ index 7ea100f..b67b2c6 100644 --- a/notes/ +++ b/notes/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ marked TODO blocks— -- Boston [pt. 6] - social justice and defying threats [pt. 6] +- Boston [pt. 6] - Jessica's experience at MIRI and CfAR [pt. 6] _ last email and not bothering him [pt. 6] _ autogenderphilia (in-line section) [pt. 4] @@ -46,25 +46,18 @@ _ psychiatric disaster _ the story of my Feb. 2017 Facebook crusade [pt. 2] _ the story of my Feb./Apr. 2017 recent madness [pt. 2] - - -New (bad) time estimate: -35 smaller TODO blocks × 3/day = 12 days -7 bigger blocks × day/2.5 = 17.5 days -= 29.5 workdays × 7 sidereal days / 6 workdays = 34.4 sidereal days -= gapless draft on 17 February?? - -Less delusionally optimistic time estimate— -32 TODO block × 1/workday = 32 days -7 bigger blocks × workday/4 = 28 days -= 60 workdays × 7 sidereal days / 5 workdays = 84 sidereal days -= gapless draft on 18 April??? - - it was actually "wander onto the AGI mailing list wanting to build a really big semantic net" ( - With internet available— +_ Parfit's Hitchhiker +_ Heinlein on "Get the facts!" +_ not-lying Sparashki tag +_ fun-theoretic comment about Aslan in Narnia (also applies to Keepers!) +_ double-check correctness of Keltham-on-paternalism link +_ what kind of trans girl Discord remark +_ Arbital TDT explanation +_ Month Year on Pronouncements quote +_ find Sequences cite "if you don't know how your AI works, that's bad" _ cover reply to my initial conspiracy complaint about dath ilan? _ can text-davinci-003 rewrite sentences like "Dath ilan had ... were commonplace" to be less clunky? _ "not hard to find": link to more /r/itsafetish-like anecdotes @@ -90,6 +83,7 @@ _ Anna's claim that Scott was a target specifically because he was good, my coun _ Yudkowsky's LW moderation policy far editing tier— +_ edit "still published under a pseudonym" remark in "A Hill" _ incoprorate "downvote Eliezer in their head" remark from Jessica's memoir _ explain the "if the world were at stake" Sword of Good reference better _ D. also acknowledged AGP @@ -2099,8 +2093,6 @@ J.D.P. on rationalism's failure -In one of my notebooks from 2008, I had written, "" - Friend of the blog Ninety-Three— > It's like admiring a society that solves crime by having secret police shoot all bad people in the head. What the fuck!? I suddenly have empathy for the experience of seeing your cult defiled. If I got Isekaied onto dath ilan I would _become a terrorist_. @@ -2122,3 +2114,14 @@ From "My Way"— > But what I’m finding is not just _the_ Way, the thing that lies at the center of the labyrinth; it is also _my_ Way, the path that I would take to come closer to the center, from whatever place I started out. > I think there will not be a _proper_ Art until _many_ people have progressed to the point of remaking the Art in their own image, and then radioed back to describe their paths. + + +depression-based forecasting in conversation with Carl +> seems more ... optimistic, Kurzweilian?… to suppose that the tech gets used correctly the way a sane person would hope it would be used + +I like this sentence (from "The Matrix Is a System")— +> If someone is a force on your epistemics towards the false, robustly to initial conditions and not as a fluke, that person is hostile. + +An analogy between my grievance against Yudkowsky and Duncan's grievance against me: I think Yudkowsky is obligated to search for and present "anti-trans" arguments in conjunction with searching for and presenting "pro-trans" arguments. Duncan (I'm wildly guessing??) thinks I'm obligated to search for and present "pro-Duncan" and addition to "anti-Duncan" arguments?? A key disanalogy: Yudkowsky is _afraid_ to post "anti-trans" content; I'm not afraid to post pro-Duncan content; I just think agreements are less interesting than disagreements. To prove the disanalogy, maybe I should write a "Things I Liked About 'Basics of Rationalist Discourse'" post as a peace offering?? + +"He's sad and confusing" Commentary reference?? diff --git a/notes/memoir_wordcounts.csv b/notes/memoir_wordcounts.csv index 5f3eab1..ae6ddc8 100644 --- a/notes/memoir_wordcounts.csv +++ b/notes/memoir_wordcounts.csv @@ -1,28 +1,3 @@ -03/26/2022,5965 -03/27/2022,5965 -03/28/2022,5965 -03/29/2022,5965 -03/30/2022,5965 -03/31/2022,5965 -04/01/2022,5965 -04/02/2022,5965 -04/03/2022,5965 -04/04/2022,5965 -04/05/2022,5965 -04/06/2022,5965 -04/07/2022,5965 -04/08/2022,5965 -04/09/2022,5965 -04/10/2022,5965 -04/11/2022,5965 -04/12/2022,5965 -04/13/2022,5965 -04/14/2022,5965 -04/15/2022,5965 -04/16/2022,5965 -04/17/2022,5965 -04/18/2022,5965 -04/19/2022,5965 04/20/2022,5965 04/21/2022,5990 04/22/2022,5990 @@ -317,4 +292,7 @@ 02/05/2023,83212 02/06/2023,84301 02/07/2023,84302 -02/08/2023, \ No newline at end of file +02/08/2023,84876 +02/09/2023,85615 +02/10/2023,86129 +02/11/2023, \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/notes/ b/notes/ index 44ba04f..14aebc4 100755 --- a/notes/ +++ b/notes/ @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def look_back():["git", "checkout", "HEAD~1"]) wordcount = wordcount_at_this_sha() date = date_at_this_sha() - if date <, 4, 1): + if date <, 4, 20): keep_going = False wordcounts.append((date, wordcount)) # don't leave the head detached -- 2.17.1