I could use some politics/ettiquiete advice I want to publish (as a comment on the _Less Wrong_ linkpost for my forthcoming memoir) a summary of Why I Don't Trust Eliezer Yudkowsky's Intellectual Honesty, and promote the comment on social media and I'm kind of facing conflicting deciderata Right now, I have Yudkowsky blocked on Twitter. It seems wrong to leave him blocked while Tweet-promoting my comment, because that's attacking his reputation _behind his back_, which is dishonorable. ("A true friend stabs you in the front.") But if I unblock and tag him, then I'm effectively bidding for his attention, which I had said that I wasn't going to do anymore, which is the reason I have him blocked. (Really, that's _also_ why I'm publishing the comment. I tried talking to the guy _first_, a lot, before eventually concluding (after using up what I assume is my lifetime supply of Eliezer-bandwidth) that it's a waste of time. My final email to him said, "I think the efficient outcome here is that I tell the Whole Dumb Story on my blog and never bother you again", and even if that wasn't a _promise_, it seems healthier to basically stick to that—I mean, like, I said a few words to him about _Planecrash_ at the anti-smallpox party, but my position is that that doesn't count as "bothering him" in the relevant sense.) If he _wants_ to engage to defend his reputation, that's _great_—I would actually prefer that—but I don't want it to look like I'm trying to demand that, or threaten him into more engagement: rather, the function of the comment is to explain to _everyone else_ why I, in fact, don't trust him anymore, which is something I seflishly want them to know. probably the right move is to unblock and tag, but then explain the "stabs you in the front" rationale in a followup Tweet? ----- I'm attacking his reputation seflishly; he's _welcome_ to defend himself, if he wants, but I'm trying to do this in a way where I'm not _asking_ for that; I'm addressing the audience rather than him (because I said the efficient outcome is that i never bother him again) Definitely in-bounds— _ UUT posts _ short Twitter thread promoting the posts _ "I Don't Trust EY's Intellectual Honesty" comment on pt. 3 Questionably in-bounds— _ maybe a comment on the pronouns post (does that count as bothering him? probably the Facebook algorithm doesn't give enough visibility to comments on old posts that this isn't worth it anyway?) _ unblock and tag him in the Twitter thread _ ask Alicorner #drama for advice about this? (if he sees the #drama discussion, that's not my fault) I want this to be a _targeted_ update about his character, not a generic EY=Bad tarring that would spill onto "EY Bad, therefore AI safety Bad" (my rightness on the object level is locally detachable from my optimal political strategy; for the purposes of the drama discussion, you can assume that I'm trying to get some Kitten Facts on the shared map, and Yudkowsky has been opposing me with dirty tricks because he's in the pocket of Big Kitten; your honest _strategy_ advice to me _conditional_ on my worldview doesn't depend on whether you think I'm wrong about kittens)