"Blanchard's Dangerous Idea": clarify the "words don't matter" remark
[Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git] / notes / closetspace-lease-bound-scraps.txt
1 remaining summary points—
2 pervert assumption of Allison's last roommate http://www.dolari.org/cs/4.htm
3 "I like dressing like a woman. I like _being_ a woman." http://www.dolari.org/cs/11.htm
4 kidnapped by a domniatrix http://www.dolari.org/cs/48.htm
5 The dominatrix is trans!! Everyone is trans! http://www.dolari.org/cs/53.htm
6 This doctor does hormones http://www.dolari.org/cs/55.htm
7 story goes back to the 1990s: http://www.dolari.org/cs/articles/99706roo.htm
8 "When you make a very expensive decision, you think you'd learn to live with it" http://www.dolari.org/cs/64.htm
9 "I'll have medical bills to think about soon" http://www.dolari.org/cs/73.htm
10 a couple of snips doesn't change that http://www.dolari.org/cs/80.htm
11 "some of the effects are rather permanent" slave: "beards and breasts are forever" http://www.dolari.org/cs/82.htm
12 Alison has regrets: http://www.dolari.org/cs/83.htm
13 turned away from visiting mom in the hospital: http://www.dolari.org/cs/90.htm
14 hosting aunt/uncle http://www.dolari.org/cs/91.htm
15 passing to a kid: http://www.dolari.org/cs/92.htm
16 niece finds breastforms: http://www.dolari.org/cs/96.htm
17 glad to see you've got a healthy libido kid, we were beginning to think you were some kind of queer: http://www.dolari.org/cs/97.htm
18 "I'll keep your secret": http://www.dolari.org/cs/100.htm
19 Alison as a child http://www.dolari.org/cs/110.htm http://www.dolari.org/cs/111.htm
20 "When I was 21, I made a mistake" http://www.dolari.org/cs/115.htm
21 "only because I haven't seen you this confident before" "it's the perscription bra" http://www.dolari.org/cs/136.htm
22 http://www.dolari.org/cs/142.htm
23 you wasted Allen's life, and now you're wasting Allison's http://www.dolari.org/cs/150.htm
24 showing up at the funeral http://www.dolari.org/cs/158.htm
25 "She's my son" http://www.dolari.org/cs/163.htm
26 Sister disapproves; Carrie isn't real http://www.dolari.org/cs/164.htm
27 servers gossip: http://www.dolari.org/cs/175.htm
28 Servers being obnoxious: http://www.dolari.org/cs/177.htm
29 Jem! http://www.dolari.org/cs/198.htm
30 grocery shopping http://www.dolari.org/cs/209.htm
31 visit from niece/aunt http://www.dolari.org/cs/215.htm http://www.dolari.org/cs/216.htm
32 "One small gene, all these problems from one tiny little gene" http://www.dolari.org/cs/231.htm
33 "Chromosome" http://www.dolari.org/cs/232.htm (Actually, they're both right! The SRY gene is the active part of the Y chromosome)
34 "in Thailand, no questions asked" http://www.dolari.org/cs/320.htm
35 ambiguity on what "Carrie" means!! (Carol vs. Carolyn this is actually relevant to me) http://www.dolari.org/cs/326.htm
36 nine months http://www.dolari.org/cs/332.htm
37 Allison is only three years in http://www.dolari.org/cs/317.htm
39 Rainbow background "oh": http://leasebound.com/comic/c1p03/ explains "does she sound different" http://leasebound.com/comic/c1p01/
40 It's weird that Jaden went to uni (http://leasebound.com/comic/c1p08/) and has never heard of trans?—is she, like, old?—no, she's 24 http://leasebound.com/comic/c6p16/
41 "I guess they're stereotypes for a reason" http://leasebound.com/comic/c2p08/
43 T is for trouble: http://leasebound.com/comic/chapter-3-t-is-for-trouble/
44 actually a women's only venue: http://leasebound.com/comic/c3p09/
45 trans women, understand now: http://leasebound.com/comic/c3p11/
46 http://leasebound.com/comic/c3p15/
47 What the fuck is a "trance" woman http://leasebound.com/comic/c4p10/
48 No ID, just tampons http://leasebound.com/comic/c4p13/
49 Were they part of madmarch or was I seriously supposed to believe they were women http://leasebound.com/comic/c4p18/
50 "You know those guys who say they're lesbian's trapped in a man's body. They're like that, but dead serious." http://leasebound.com/comic/c4p19/
51 Do you get a lot of homophobes http://leasebound.com/comic/ch6p39/
52 "Yeah, I think they called themselves.. _Trance_ .. _Women_ .. Or something." (Look at Riley's face! http://leasebound.com/comic/ch6p41/
53 (Riley is shaking) "Yeah I didn't really get it, either .. but hey, that's straight men for ya, haha!"
54 "Did she do something to provoke them?" http://leasebound.com/comic/ch6p54/
55 It doesn't make what she said right, but it makes sense to think that way when you're not in the know http://leasebound.com/comic/ch6p55/
56 If I want to be a good ally, I should probably say something to Jaden about it http://leasebound.com/comic/ch6p56/
57 Transwomen are bound to come up in conversation http://leasebound.com/comic/ch6p59/
58 If her bruises don't come up, then there'd be very little reason for transwomen to come up http://leasebound.com/comic/ch6p61/
59 A bigot wouldn't show that kind of remorse http://leasebound.com/comic/c6p72/
60 "To the pigs?" "Oh, no! I meant the transwomen, sorry." "Ah, the _other_ pigs, haha" http://leasebound.com/comic/ch6p86/
61 Like I wasn't supposed to be able to tell http://leasebound.com/comic/ch6p87/
62 "What pronouns do you prefer, Jaden?" "the way you pronounced it just then was fine" http://leasebound.com/comic/ch8p6/
63 Do you think Jaden could be trans? http://leasebound.com/comic/ch9p2/
64 I don't think Jaden knows it http://leasebound.com/comic/ch9p4/
65 Wrestling with ideology, diff. between looking and presenting http://leasebound.com/comic/ch9p6/
66 http://leasebound.com/comic/ch9p8/
67 "my husband" everyone is gay!! http://leasebound.com/comic/ch9p7/
69 Adelaide, Australian references: Madmarch, pawpaw cream (https://lucaspapaw.com.au/)
71 (Carrie's family didn't distinguish types of queer)
73 > Male characters only exist as vehicles to further develop female characters
74 https://lesbihonest-art.tumblr.com/post/654473007236005888/do-you-think-well-ever-get-that-nicolas-and-jaden
76 > Their purpose has been served. They represent a drop in a bucket of thoughts of entitled men muscling into women's spaces. 
77 https://lesbihonest-art.tumblr.com/post/641335830073540608/i-love-your-comic-i-love-jaden-and-riley-and-the