And the effect size of childhood sex-typed behavior on sexual orientation [is around _d_ ≈ 1.3](/papers/bailey-zucker-childhood_sex-typed_behavior_and_sexual_orientation.pdf), so I'll actually go with roughly similar numbers for L.
-I could easily be wrong about the specific numbers, but I'm confident that this is the correct _methodology_. (Assuming that predictions don't causally [or otherwise]( affect the things being predicted—but how likely is _that?_) My old anxieties about committing heresy have dissolved in the knowledge that it is, really, just a math problem.
+I could easily be wrong about the specific numbers. (My gut expects a _skilled_ "gaydar operator" to be more reliable than _d_ ≈ 1.1, which could still be true if the published statistics are [deflated by the measurement error](/2019/Sep/does-general-intelligence-deflate-standardized-effect-sizes-of-cognitive-sex-differences/) of less perceptive raters?) But I'm confident that this is the correct _methodology_. (Assuming that predictions don't causally [or otherwise]( affect the things being predicted—but how likely is _that?_) My old anxieties about committing heresy have dissolved in the knowledge that it is, really, just a math problem.