Tags: cathartic
Status: draft
-"Mark, I can't quite place it, but you look ... _different_ somehow," says Alexa.
+"Mark, I can't quite place it, but you look ... _different_ somehow."
"Oh yes, thanks for noticing. I'm experimenting with a nonstandard hormone balance. It's kind of like being transgender, but without the part where you delusionally claim to be a woman."
+"_Excuse me?_"
-"I said, 'It's kind of like being transgender, but less socially-disruptive.' Why, what did you think I said?"
+"I said, 'It's kind of like being transgender, but less socially disruptive.' Why, what did you think I said?"
--- /dev/null
+Title: Doubts, Fears, Wishes, Trajectories; Or, Hormones Day 15X
+Date: 2017-09-17
+Category: other
+Tags: HRT diary, not-a-transition
+Status: draft
+> Still, my relationships with women were decidedly odd. "What's it _like_ to have breasts?" I'd ask. "How does it _feel_?" It was a question women found baffling.
+> "It doesn't feel like anything," one girl told me. "It feels like having an elbow, a nose, a toe. It just is." I couldn't believe she expected me to believe this. Of all the things I thought being female would feel like, _nothing_ wasn't an answer I had considered.
+> —Jennifer Finney Boylan, _She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders_
+It's _possible_ that this was a bad idea.
+It would be one thing
+not a terribly practical body part
+we'll see how I feel when my libido comes back
+every year or so I go through a phrase
+(any single cis women reading this, please email me)
+want to tell you
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Title: Interlude IX
+Date: 2017-09-23
+Category: fiction
+Tags: interlude
+Status: draft
+"Likelihood ratios are good! Likelihood ratios are the only good thing!"
+"I agree that likelihood ratios are good! In fact, I think we have a moral responsibility to look for clever strategies to make the likelihood ratios bigger! But at the same time, you know, priors."
+"Priors?! How _dare_ you?! Priors are _bad_!"
Tags: Steven Universe, autogynephilia
Status: draft
I've decided that the [_Steven Universe_ ending theme](http://genius.com/Rebecca-sugar-love-like-you-lyrics) is about the man's reaction when a woman tells her autogynephilic boyfriend that she thinks he's obviously a trans woman and should transition.
They're cuddled up on the couch watching their favorite cartoon,
--- /dev/null
+Title: "Neither as Plea nor as Despair"
+Date: 2017-09-22
+Category: other
+Tags: Atlas Shrugged, cathartic
+Status: draft
+Basically the question is, do you want to be Dagny Taggart in the school play at an all-boys school, or do you want to be Eddie Willers in the school play at your actual high school
+Both schools deserve to exist (I mean, your actual high school doesn't deserve to exist, but its analogue in a nearby alternate universe that puts on _Atlas Shrugged_ as its school play, probably does)
+In an infinite universe of infinite space and infinite time, all possible configurations of matter are instantiated infinitely many times—but not at the same rate, frequency, density, [_measure_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Measure_problem_(cosmology))
+When everything exists and everything happens, choices between alternatives become rather a question of how we allocate measure between them, the definite answer to which is no less determinate than if there were only one of you
+I don't know what you want to do with your measure; that's not for me to decide
+I'm putting most of mine on Eddie Willers, and frantically correcting all the _blatant lies_ in the playbill
+It's not the _most_ fun I could be having, but it's still pretty fun overall
+And you know, I like Eddie Willers
+He's honest
> —Anne Lawrence, _Men Trapped in Men's Bodies_
(The Hand I Was Dealt)
-> This is the one that I had to write
-> It's like a letter of love with no love left out
+> Well this is the one that I had to write, it's like a
+> A letter of love with no love left out
> —"Dying to Begin" by Stretch Princess
> —"The One That Got Away" by Katy Perry
-(Doubts, Hopes, and Trajectories)
-> "What's it _like_ to have breasts?" I'd ask. "How does it _feel_?" It was a question women found baffling.
-> "It doesn't feel like anything," one girl told me. "It feels like having an elbow, a nose, a toe. It just is."
-> —Jennifer Finney Boylan, _She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders_
Less obviously fitting—
https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.05807 (via https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/6xkyyu/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_following/dmk92dw/)
prental T and gynephilia in women and women-adj https://twitter.com/SteveStuWill/status/905572666332987392 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0018506X16301222
+On Mar 4, 2017 3:23 PM, "Zack M. Davis" <main@zackmdavis.net> wrote:
+ Genocide is murder of a class of people. Can you be more specific about the class of people you see being murdered (nerdy men?) and what you think is murdering them (the political-correctness memeplex that evolved as a social-control mechanism to prevent the United States from becoming Yugoslavia)?
+ I'm guessing you see a picture where the underlying bug in male sexual psychology that leads to AGP would be far less likely to progress to "gender dysphoria"/actually-doing-something-about-it in a world where it was socially-acceptable for highly-verbal 13-year-old boys to seek out sex instead of taking the you're-not-allowed-to-try verbal rules seriously? I agree with this; Blanchard calls this "developmental competition." It's notable that Robert Heinlein's novels have some very strong AGP themes, but I'm not aware of any evidence that he actually did anything about it real life, whereas I, growing up 80 years later, am about to and feel like it's the right choice on reflection given my historically-anomalous developmental trajectory, even though it probably looks like ideologically-driven self-harm from the perspective of normal men.
+ And you think that if the forces of political correctness win and "trans" becomes an entrenched cultural practice, that's like genociding future generations of Robert Heinlein analogues? Whereas from inside the trans-rights social-reality bubble, it looks like you're trying to genocide future generations of Julia Serano analogues. (Julia Serano is a prominent trans activist and author of one of the standard articles that get cited to try to "debunk" autogynephilia.) And from inside my Zack-M.-Davis-personal-eclectic-ideology-bubble, I want to rescue the Julia Serano aesthetic in a way that's compatible with knowledge of science and history. (Robert Heinlein was scientifically- and historically-literate, and Julia Serano is an ignorant ideologue, but Robert Heinlein was a manly man who was OK with being a manly man as his social identity and that's just not my style.)
+ On 2017-03-04 14:12, Michael Vassar wrote:
+> The ACLU needs to address how plausible the arguments for censorship are. People accepting censorship need to address arguments about how real the harms are. As far as I can tell, you are three maximally concrete and articulate case of a person harness by PC in a context where an impartial summary would call it attempted genocide
-11 Sep: There's a Land That I See; Or, the Spirit of Intervention
-18 Sep: Q Don't Negotiate With Terrorist Memeplexes; Or, Why I Don't Care About Your Feelings
-25 Sep: _ The View From Nowhere
+1 Sep: There's a Land That I See; Or, the Spirit of Intervention
+26 Sep: Q Don't Negotiate With Terrorist Memeplexes; Or, Why I Don't Care About Your Feelings
+27 Sep: _ The View From Nowhere
2 Oct: Q Time Travel Isn't Real; Or, Yes, the Only Real Trans Woman Is a Transitioned Trans Woman
3 Oct: Q As Well for a Sheep as a Lamb: Charity, Objectivity, and the Strategic Landscape
9 Oct: Q An Infovist's Advisory; Or, Standing Athwart History Yelling, "Wait! I Like the Idea, But the Implementation Details Need Work!"
16 Oct: Q This Is Worth a Fight
23 Oct: _ Stereotypes, Models, and Cognition
-30 Oct: _ Against Maximum-Entropy Psychology; Or, High-Dimensional Social Science and the Cluster Concept of Concepts
6 Nov: _ The Neglect of Probability Fallacy; Or, You Do Not Have an Intersex Condition
13 Nov: Q Simple Models Plus Noise Are Better Than Pretending Not to Have a Model
20 Nov: * Mary's Room
18 Dec: The Categories Were Made for Man in Order to Make Predictions
-Doubts, Hopes, and Trajectories; Or, Hormones Day 1XX
+Welcome to Republic City Comic-Con; Or, A Leaf in the Crosswind
+Hormones: Pulling the Plug; Or, Putting the "Cis" in "Decision"
+Interlude IX (likelihood ratios)
+Changes (Interlude X?)
Imperfect Trait Measurements Regress to the Mean
Q Memoirs of My Recent Madness, Part II: Friendship Survived
A Common Misunderstanding; Or, the Spirit of the Staircase (24 January 2009)
Q Review of Nevada
-Review of Whipping Girl
Q I Want to See You Be Brave
Faster Than Science (Transgender Edition)
People Really Don't Know Why They Do Things
Passing Is Legitimacy, Legitimacy Is Passing
All Men Benefit From Patriarchy
Servants of the Egregore; Or, the Joy of Static Analysis
+(the story about my name)
+of course trans genders are less natural; that's the entire fucking point
An Epistolary Story About Preference Falsification
Blame Me for Trying
"Love Like You"