The original lie wasn't _invisible_ exactly, but it never caused too many problems, because it's easy to doublethink around: most of the functional use of sex categories in Society is handled by seamless subconscious reference-classing, without anyone needing to consciously, verbally reason about sex differences.
+Give people photographs of
[height base rates]
But in the ten years I had my back turned reading science books, my former quasi-religion somehow came up with _new_ lies: now, it's not enough to believe that women and men are mentally the same, you're also supposed to accept that those words refer to
"often seem to have a fixation with categorization common among those on the autism spectrum."
People liked the _Origins of Unfairness_ review—
+Sneer Club!
\ No newline at end of file
* "genders have been identified"
* Hyde/Fine binary notes: p. 388
* need to talk about individual differences being non-threatening
+* need to define "cognitive repetioires" earlier because I mention it later
+* work in "Can Race Be Erased" result
"I realize I am writing in an LGBT era when some argue that 63 distinct genders have been identified," Murray writes at the beginning of Appendix 2. But this is failing to pass the [Ideological Turing Test](
Thermometer and statistical discrimination in machine learning
+Anacholic's critique:
> independent of the masculinizing effects of gonadal secretions, XY and XX brain cells have different patterns of gene expression that influence their differentiation and function
+Don't speak truth to power. Speak truth against your incentive gradient. I mean, _try_ to do that. You can't _literally_ do that, because you're _always_ following your incentive gradient, by definition. Speak truth against your _current model_ of your incentive gradient.
+Theorem: when you strike at a king, you must kill him. (Credit assignment: Ralph Waldo Emerson.)
+My restatement (yours may be different, but still): when you strike at the God-Empress—well, striking at the God-Empress wouldn't work. But when you strike at one of the God-Empress's minions, you have to either kill him or provide sufficiently strong evidence that you could kill him if you wanted.
-X The Reverse Murray Rule
X Teleology
-_ Peering Through Reverent Fingers
_ Book Review: Charles Murray's Human Diversity
_ Hrunkner Unnerby and the Shallowness of Progress
+_ Peering Through Reverent Fingers
_ Reply to Ozymandias on Lesbians and on Single-Sex Spaces
_ Elision _vs_. Choice (working title)
-_ Travis's Trilemma: Creepy, Crazy, or Protected-Class
+_ The Feeling Is Mutual
+_ Travis's Trilemma: Creepy, Crazy, or Protected-Class (working title)
_ Friendship Practices of the Secret-Sharing Plain Speech Valley Squirrels
_ Phenotypic Identity and Memetic Capture
_ Sexual Dimorphism, Yudkowsky's Sequences, and Me
it's important to have language for psychology because you can't point to pictures
+Vocabulary as Capital Investment
+B.F. being smart-but-dense
+how taxonomy/typology emerges from Bayesian networks
_ On Being Stereotyped Badly (working title)
Angelic Irony