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[Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git] / content / drafts /
2021-12-20 M. Taylor Saotome... Monday morning tap at "Challenges"
2021-12-20 M. Taylor Saotome... Sunday tap at "Challenges"
2021-12-19 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-12-19 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting reply to Scott on AGenP
2021-12-19 M. Taylor Saotome... check in, incl. new attempt at explaining to Scott
2021-12-12 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-12-12 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Challenges to Yudkowsky's Pronoun Reform...
2021-12-08 M. Taylor Saotome... Wednesday morning tap at "Challenges"
2021-12-07 M. Taylor Saotome... Tuesday morning tap at "Challenges"
2021-12-06 M. Taylor Saotome... Monday morning tap at "Challenges"
2021-12-05 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-11-30 M. Taylor Saotome... Tuesday morning tap at "Challenges"
2021-11-29 M. Taylor Saotome... Monday morning tap at "Challenges"
2021-11-29 M. Taylor Saotome... ineffective Sunday tap at "Challenges"
2021-11-28 M. Taylor Saotome... tap at "Challenges"
2021-11-28 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-11-18 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-11-08 M. Taylor Saotome... Monday morning tap at "Challenges"
2021-11-08 M. Taylor Saotome... tap at "Challenges"
2021-11-07 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-10-31 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-10-23 M. Taylor Saotome... check in (incl. rename finale notes file)
2021-10-17 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-10-17 M. Taylor Saotome... poke at "Challenges", "Never Smile" linkpost
2021-10-10 M. Taylor Saotome... poke at "A Previous Life's War"
2021-10-10 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-10-03 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Challenges to Yudkowsky's Pronoun Reform...
2021-10-02 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-09-27 M. Taylor Saotome... schedule "I Don't Do Policy"
2021-09-27 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-09-27 M. Taylor Saotome... publish "There Should Be a Closetspace/Lease Bound...
2021-09-26 M. Taylor Saotome... xrossover fic tail speculation
2021-09-26 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-09-22 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Challenges to Yudkowsky's Pronoun Reform...
2021-09-21 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Facing Reality" review coda
2021-09-21 M. Taylor Saotome... pronoun reform check in
2021-09-20 M. Taylor Saotome... "Facing Reality" review coda: intelligence as natural...
2021-09-20 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-09-19 M. Taylor Saotome... "Facing Reality": first-order effects summary, and...
2021-09-18 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Facing Reality" review and "Challenges"
2021-09-16 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Challenges to Yudkowsky's Pronoun Reform...
2021-09-16 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Facing Reality" book review
2021-09-16 M. Taylor Saotome... check in for clean staging area before writing day
2021-09-15 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Challenges to Yudkowsky's Pronoun Reform...
2021-09-15 M. Taylor Saotome... poke at Closetspace/Lease Bound joint review
2021-09-15 M. Taylor Saotome... fill gap in "I Don't Do Policy" draft
2021-09-15 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-09-13 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Facing Reality" review
2021-09-13 M. Taylor Saotome... poke at stuff
2021-09-09 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-09-08 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-09-06 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting Lease Bound plot summary
2021-09-06 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting joint Closetspace/Lease Bound review
2021-09-04 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-08-30 M. Taylor Saotome... tap closet
2021-08-30 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-08-23 M. Taylor Saotome... Closetspace summary/commentary
2021-08-22 M. Taylor Saotome... check back in
2021-08-22 M. Taylor Saotome... finish Closetspace readthrough
2021-08-22 M. Taylor Saotome... check out
2021-08-16 M. Taylor Saotome... "Happy Meal"
2021-08-15 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-07-27 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-07-08 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-07-03 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-06-28 M. Taylor Saotome... Monday morning drafting "Facing Reality" review
2021-06-28 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-06-28 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Facing Reality" review
2021-06-27 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Facing Reality" review—something stirring
2021-06-27 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Facing Reality" review
2021-06-26 M. Taylor Saotome... Closetspace/Lease Bound summary notes
2021-06-24 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-06-09 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Reply to Nate Soares"
2021-06-08 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-06-07 M. Taylor Saotome... check in, incl. CAH notes (this textbook is gr9)
2021-06-07 M. Taylor Saotome... check in, including textbook notes and trilogy shoveling
2021-06-07 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Subspatial Distribution Overlap"
2021-06-07 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Student Dysphoria"
2021-06-07 M. Taylor Saotome... pre-poke at "Facing Reality" review
2021-06-06 M. Taylor Saotome... check in, including notes from Gender Development textbook
2021-06-06 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Subspatial Overlap"
2021-06-06 M. Taylor Saotome... pre-poke at "Facing Reality" review
2021-06-05 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-06-04 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-05-31 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-05-31 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Subspatial Distribution Overlap"
2021-05-30 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Subspatial Distribution Overlap and Cancellab...
2021-05-30 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "... as Cognitive Illusion"
2021-05-30 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-05-27 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "Student Dysphoria"
2021-05-27 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-05-24 M. Taylor Saotome... outline sketch for "Gender Identity as Cognitive Illusion"
2021-05-24 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-05-24 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "I Don't Do Policy"
2021-05-23 M. Taylor Saotome... re-slug "Student Dysphoria, and ..."
2021-05-23 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2021-05-23 M. Taylor Saotome... drafting "I Don't Do Policy"
2021-05-23 M. Taylor Saotome... enqueue "Amulet"
2021-05-22 M. Taylor Saotome... shovel
2021-05-22 M. Taylor Saotome... check in