polish and revise "Prediction Markets Are Not"
[Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git] / content / 2019 / does-general-intelligence-deflate-standardized-effect-sizes-of-cognitive-sex-differences.md
2021-03-13 M. Taylor Saotome... ... have I been misspelling his name this whole time??
2020-01-27 M. Taylor Saotome... check in
2019-09-17 M. Taylor Saotome... add footnote crediting Tail for bugfix
2019-09-17 M. Taylor Saotome... fix sign error in "Does General Intelligence ...?"...
2019-09-02 M. Taylor Saotome... actually, move the Jensen footnote location
2019-09-02 M. Taylor Saotome... publish "Does General Intelligence ...?"